
Autumn message from the Lady Captain - Carol Broadbent

It’s true what they say – time flies when you are enjoying yourself. I am now just over half way through my term of office and the competitive golf season is nearly over.

So much has happened in the first six months. I have really enjoyed playing the weekly competitions with so many of our lady members and the majority of our competitions have thankfully been played in reasonable weather.

My first presentation was at the Spring Meeting in mid April, which was followed by a Dinner. The whole day went extremely well and has since been followed by our Ladies Invitation Day, an extremely memorable and thoroughly enjoyable Lady Captain’s Day in July, our Lady President’s Day in August and a wonderfully sunny Ladies Exchange Day at Bramhall Park.

I would also like to thank Mr Captain, Mr President, Lady President and Margaret Cook for the presentation of their prizes and to congratulate all the worthy winners of the Major Board Competitions this year.

My mixed golfing season with the Captain began with the Archie Preston in April, and unfortunately our team were knocked out in the first round. However, I have thoroughly enjoyed playing in the Frolic, Mixed Match at Bramhall Park, D'Oyly Carte, Mersey Bowl, Sale Festival, Mixed Open and the Mixed Knockout. Although having played reasonably well in the majority of these competitions, I have to admit that nerves must have got the better of me in the Mixed Knockout Final and we lost to Ryan Foley and Kate Rawthore – my sincere congratulations to you both and well played.

On a personal note I was very happy to have dropped four shots on my handicap in June, but this is nothing compared to how well our ladies teams have played this year. I have nothing but praise for them and have thoroughly enjoyed watching their matches, both at home and away. The first team were knocked out of the Bell Cup in the 2nd round against Disley and the Scratch Team playing in the Elisabeth Wilson won their first round against Royal Liverpool, but lost to Dunham Forest in the 2nd round. However, in the ‘Mail on Sunday’ our first team played their first match in February , and had got as far as the 7th out of 8 rounds at the end of July, before losing to Pleasington away. Pleasington have successfully made their way through to the semi-finals in Spain.
Our ‘B’ Team also went through to play in the East Cheshire Quarter Finals against Prestbury at Bramhall Golf Club in August, but unfortunately lost in the final match that went to the 19th! My sincere thanks for all the dedication and time of all the ladies who have played in the teams this year. Finally, I would like to thank Elsie Rigby who has so diligently spent so much of her time organising all these matches. Thanks also to Elsie and Lady President for their company both at Sale and on the away matches.

Last week was a very successful week for me in raising money for worthwhile charities. I hosted a Charity Lunch in aid of the Alzheimer’s Society on the Wednesday which was attended by 60 ladies. Rick, our Chef and his team provided us with an excellent buffet, with service second to none. Monies raised from the raffle and donations totalled a fantastic £530 for my charity. Two days later we hosted the annual ‘Macmillan Coffee Morning’ and raised £496 – over £1000 raised in two days. A very big thank you to everyone who donated raffle prizes, tombola prizes, made donations and of course to everyone who attended and helped out at these very special events.

And so we are now in October and the nights are drawing in. A great many of us now begin to hibernate, but let’s not forget that there is still plenty of golf to be played – let’s keep the swing going through the autumn and winter. The Ladies Bridge Season has just begun and our Club social activities now start to get underway again. John & Mel Parkinson have just hosted the first quiz night of the new season and will be back on 21 November, before they return to the States for six months. Also on the social scene we will see the return of Victor Haynes and Elvis, so I am sure that Howard & Christine Johnston will look forward to your support at the Club over the next few months.

Finally, my best wishes for a speedy recovery to all members who have been in hospital for operations or illnesses. I wish you all good health and look forward to seeing you at the Club in the run up to the festive season.

Kind regards

Lady Captain


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