
Autumn Message from Mr Captain - John Stubbs

Well, the summer has come and gone, not in a blaze of sunshine, rather in a welter of wind and rain. Nevertheless, I have enjoyed myself immensely and will be eternally grateful to the Past Captains for their nomination and most of all to you the members for your kindness and support.

I have been fortunate to play regularly with our professional, Mike Stewart, and although our win record is not as good as I would have liked, it has been a pleasure; a once in a lifetime experience I will remember forever.

Despite the dreadful weather, there have been many highlights. Our Juniors’, Sam Price, Kate Rawthore and winning in the Greater Manchester Junior Open; The fantastic run of our ladies in The Mail on Sunday - they came within a whisker of reaching the finals in Spain - and Julie Matthews and Kate Rawthore reaching the finals of the ‘Ping Fourball’ at Forest of Arden. Proudest of all was to receive the Mersey Shield, thanks to Moby Rawthore and Neil Griffiths taking the betterball prize and leading Colin Shaw, Mike Sallabank, Charlie Howie, John Aldcroft, John Royle, Trevor Tait, Tony Lowe, Pete Rowles, Frank Hilson and Dale Wallace to a 9 point margin over our closest Mersey rivals. I won’t mention the ages of some of the team, however, I believe this is a great reflection on the club and shows that you can still be a winner whether in your teens or your seventies.

Congratulations to Brian Ledsham, winner of the ‘Captain’s Prize’ and Jackie Turner, winner of ‘Captain’s Prize to the Ladies’.

Possibly my personal golfing highlight was reaching the final of the ‘Howie Trophy’ mixed open with Lady Captain. I could not have wished for a better Lady Captain with whom to share my year. Carol, is a terrific partner whose chipping has become finely honed, possibly due to my waywardness (and reluctance to chip myself) and she has organised me just as well as she organises Peter. We may not have played our best golf in the final losing to two of our most promising juniors, Ryan Foley and Kate Rawthore, but they were a delight to be with.

Due to serious staffing problems for our Green Staff the early part of the year was bedevilled with problems which we took action to rectify. Now that we are at full strength, I am sure you will agree progress is evident and the greens are well on their way to being the standard we require. The benefits of work this year will be there for all to see in the future. Thanks to Chris Hulme and his team for all their hard work, in very trying and difficult circumstances. We must continue with the program and make further improvements to the overall condition and appearance of the course.

My end of year article will be the time to thank all those who give of their time and expertise for the benefit of the club but at this stage I would just like to mention the group of volunteers gathered together by Barry Weston, Green Chairmen who are carrying out ‘mundane’ tasks on behalf of Chris Hulme to allow his team to work on vital areas of the course. We can already see the progress you are achieving. Thank you.

As I have already informed members, at the ‘Open Meeting’ earlier this year, the financial position of the club remains a worry, a situation common both locally and nationally. I want to reassure members that everything possible is being done to ensure the long term viability of Sale Golf Club. A small group is working with the treasurer and it is our aim to present a budget for next year which will be, at a minimum, break even. However, to achieve this some very hard choices will have to be made. Changes must be made; there are no easy options; there can be no wishful thinking; self interest must be put aside; the future of the club is paramount. I am very confident that together we can attain our goal.

To end on a lighter note the socials calendar is back in full swing, splendidly organised by Howard and Christine Johnston supplemented by John and Mel Parkinson’s ‘Quiz Nights’ providing entertainment and education on Friday nights once a month. If you want to do your bit for the club just come along and enjoy yourselves.

John Stubbs


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