
End of Year Message from Lady Captain Judith

What a wonderful year I have had! I have enjoyed every minute. It has flown by and I cannot believe that my term of office is nearly over.

The Ladies section has had a very successful year with most of our competitions getting played on the correct day. The weather on my Lady Captain’s day at the beginning of September was not good to say the least! However with the help of the Green staff we managed to get the competition played. As conditions were very difficult it was no surprise that our best golfer Cath Rawthore won.The rest of September and most of October was glorious Autumn weather!

We also played for prizes kindly donated and presented by Mr Captain, Mr President and Lady President. These are always special evenings for the Ladies section and my thanks goes to each of them for their generous prizes. I was lucky enough to be the winner of Mr President’s which was my personal golfing highlight of the year reducing my handicap by 2 shots. Congratulations to all the other winners.

Mixed golf with the Captain was an absolute joy!! How I will miss it. Sale got to the semi-final of the Archie Preston. We personally won 3 of our 5 matches. The Captain always kept his cool even when I played a duff shot! We didn’t do as well in the Mixed Knockout and were beaten by Colin Shaw and Sada Kilby ( the eventual losing finalists).

The greatest success in the Ladies section this year was our A team. They won the East Cheshire League and then went on to beat West Cheshire and gain the title of Cheshire Champions. Their commitment and dedication is inspiring and the whole of Sale golf club should be very proud of them . It gave me such a thrill to accept the shields on their behalf, and added to this we won the Mersey Shield as well back in May. Thanks to Marie Flatters and Sylvia Lowther for all the work they put in on Matches.

The social events organised by Howard and Christine Johnson have all been most enjoyable. The effort they have put in has been incredible. Michael and I have shared some good evenings with the Captain, Tony and Sophia.

I have also enjoyed my time with Lady President, Pat Hackett. Unfortunately she had to have a new hip in October which curtailed some of her activities , but she is now fighting fit again and is making up for lost time!

Fundraising for my charity, Multiple Sclerosis has been very successful, and at our Ladies Trophy night I was delighted to present a cheque for £1800.00 to be shared between the Trafford branch of the MS Society and the MS therapy centre in Trafford Park. A representative from each organisation came to accept it and told us a bit about their work. Thanks to all who contributed in any way.

A new innovation this year has been my blog! For those who have not seen it please go on the Sale Golf Club website and click on “members” and follow the link. This is where you can find out all the news of the Ladies section!

I think we are all looking forward to Spring and Summer and playing some serious golf again.


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