
Ecology - Wildlife on the increase

Spring has sprung, the days are getting longer and the trees/shrubs are starting to flourish.

It will be seen that the greens staff have been busy over the Winter Months removing several Manchester Poplars which were becoming dangerous. For every tree removed we plant 3 or 4 new trees in their place. These new trees include Field Maple, Ash, Rowan, Sweet Chestnut, Crab Apple and Hawthorn. We have also purchased some Disease Resistant Elm and several Fir trees.

As these trees come into bloom they will add to the quality of the course which is already looking good just now thanks to the efforts of Chris Hulme (Course Manager ) and his staff.

With regards to Wildlife there are foxes to be seen between the 2nd Hole Green and the roundabout on the Motorway. A Terrapin in the ditch on the 7th Hole, a Weasel near the Fountain on the 11th Tee. Newts have been seen on the 2nd Hole Green and Woodpeckers heard in trees between the 1st and 2nd Holes.

Moorhens, Ducks and Rabbits can be seen on various parts of the course there are also shoals of Fish in the ponds on the 7th and 8th Holes.

Unfortunately the course also attracts Canada Geese however there have not been as many recently.

Don Jackson has erected over 30 Bird Boxes most of which have shown signs of being occupied each year.

Hopefully we will have a good Summer and the course will continue to improve.

Charlie Howie ( Chairman Ecology Committee)


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