
Lady Captain’s Message

I am honoured to have been chosen to be Lady Captain for 2009 and am really looking forward to my year and to sharing it with our Captain, Tony Ball, President, Ian Vernon, Junior Captain, Ju-Whan Han, and of course our Lady President, Pat Hackett. I would like to wish them all an enjoyable and successful year and I know we will all be doing our best for Sale Golf Club. I will enjoy partnering the Captain in the D’Oyly Carte, Mersey Bowl, the Mixed Knockout, and the Archie Preston, and maybe a frolic!

I would like to thank a few people:

To the Competitions Chairman and House Chairman for their input into making the Drive-in day such a success.
To my Committee in anticipation of their support and hard work during the coming season.
To all of you who entered my Drive-in competition which was won by Rick Sclater, our caterer.
To all of you for the lovely cards I received on my appointment and to the Council for the beautiful flowers presented to me on Drive-in day.

I raised £292 on the day for my charity which is Multiple Sclerosis. It is a charity close to my heart as my sister-in-law suffers from the disease. I will be dividing the monies at the end of my year between the Trafford MS Therapy Centre and the MS Society in London.

The “season ticket” for my charity ditch has proved popular. What a bargain at £2!! I have heard rumours that some members have had their monies’ worth already!!

Lastly please visit my Blog! If you go to the Sale Golf Club website and click on the “members” link you will find Lady Captain’s Blog.

I wish all members a happy and healthy year on and off the course and I assure you I have started praying for some good weather!!

Judith Stanistreet
Lady Captain


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