

The first sign of ground conditions improving was when we brought in the mats from the six tees. The mats have proved to be an excellent investment, successfully protecting the tees, particularly the par threes. It has been noted that not all golfers have been using them, by the number of fresh divots on the tees. These mats are the most expensive and user friendly on the market. Can we as the Green Committee ask that they be used whenever they are in situ.

Since the last update report, the green staff have worked tirelessly preparing the course for the season.

All the fairways were verti-drained in February using 30mm tines. It has assisted the drainage to some extent but a long term solution for drains is still very much on the back burner. However, it is our intention in the coming weeks to bring in a golf course drainage expert to carry out a survey and report back to us with recommendations and approximate costings.

During March the fairways and tees were scarified, to remove thatch. Yardages were checked and new 200, 150, and 100 markers were installed on sunken concrete bases.

The fence along the river bank has been repaired throughout its length. Fortunately we saved all the materials when the section on the 6th fairway was replaced with steel sections, so the reinstatement work cost only labour. The fence around the stop log on the 6th, has been extended on the green side, to conform to Health and Safety.

Work has been carried out on the majority of bunkers, digging out and edging off. A few still require attention.

New trees have been planted in areas previously thinned out. At this moment, I would point out that the blue posts over the ditch to the left of the 13th. green bear no significance to any rule of golf or local rule. It is the green staff recycling redundant materials again. The posts are stakes to support young trees. A few of the larger trees and the odd branches at the dog leg on the 13th, have been removed, which were impinging on the line of play.

All the white out of bounds posts have been painted along with the red and yellow water hazard marker posts.

Roy, our course number two and chief mechanic, has stripped down all the machinery, replacing bearings where required, oiling and greasing all lubricating points and checking engine oil and hydraulic fuel levels. All the cutting blades have been “flash ground”. We are now all set up for the cutting season.

Now for what you have been waiting - The Greens.

We have started the treatment programme that was introduced last year. Spray application of Primo Maxx growth retardant. ( no we are not trying to reduce the mowing - Primo Maxx encourages the root growth and lateral growth of the grass leaves instead of vertical growth, thus assisting in the process of speeding up the greens), an application of seaweed liquid, this is a soil enhancer which assists the ground during drought conditions, an application of 4-0-6 Fe liquid, ( 4o/o Nitrogen, 0o/o Potash and 6o/o Phosphate). This programme is endorsed by STRI.

Last year we top dressed the greens only twice, due to the weather. Already this year we have been fortunate to have top dressed three times. Tuesday 17th. March, 9 tons, Monday 6th. April 12 tons and Tuesday 14th. April 6 tons.

Those of you that played throughout the winter will have noticed a marked difference from previous winters. The treatment programme is working, but as we said last year it isn’t an overnight fix. It could take up to three or four years, but year on year improvement will be evident.The worn area on the 1st Tee has been returfed as has an oil damaged area on the 8th. fairway. The poor areas on the fairways, where water has lay during the winter, will be monitored over the next few weeks, and if required will be either turfed or over seeded.
All the greens, tees and fairways have been cut along with the rough and banks. As the air and ground temperature rise we will follow the CPD cutting programme.

Finally on the subject of what has been carried out since the last report, we have fitted new panels to the “Privy”, adjacent to the 13th tee, now making it private.

Over the coming weeks we will complete the man made bank at the rear of the 12th green with more soil and plant with shrubs.The spoils at the end of the new car park will be levelled and tidied up.The greens chemical treatment programme will be continued along with the application of wetting agent, top dressing and overseeding.The tees will be verti-drained and wetting agent applied.
Oh! , I suppose we had better include mowing.

The Green Committee wish you all a successful season and that we along with Chris and his happy team, meet your reasonable expectations. Sale Golf Club Course is NOT Augusta, but what a target to aim for!

Mike Heapy, the volunteer co-ordinator, for whatever reasons, has been left on his own to assist the green staff, he would welcome calls from any member who are prepared to give up a few hours each week to assist him. Alternatively you can enter your name and contact details to the sheet on the Green notice board.

J. Barry Weston
Greens Chairman


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