
Wildlife Gurus have a great visit to Sale G.C.

Late last year we had a visit from two Trafford ecologists who were most impressed by the way the Golf Club were carrying out the agreed Ecology Plan.
At the end of the visit Alan Barnett, one of the ecologists, said it was the best morning he had spent in a long time.
David Sykes, the other ecologist, has put us in touch with Cheshire Wildlife who want to carry out wildlife inspections on the course in the summer. The results will be included in the overall Greater Manchester Wildlife/Environmental Map.

Recently several Manchester Poplars have been felled between the 1st and 2nd holes for Health and Safety reasons. In their place over twenty trees have been planted.

With regard to wildlife on the course, when the annual inspection of the Bird Nest Boxes was carried out, a bat was found in one of them. Since then Don Jackson has found a tawny owl in another.
A kingfisher is regularly seen on the 8th and 11th holes whilst there are woodpeckers in the trees on the 1st Hole. Don has also been erecting more bird boxes around the course.

If there are any members of the Golf Club interested in ecology who would like to join the Ecology Committee please contact myself.

The current committee consists of Margaret Cook, Don Jackson, David Elce and David Jones – all who have been on the committee since it’s foundation in 2001.

Charlie Howie
Chairman - Ecology Committee


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